ZETO is Led in romania by a executive bord. on international level we have an advisory counsel
Our executive Board
Our board is composed of Right Rev. Reinhart Guib (president), Rev. Gerhard Servatius-Depner (executive director), Dr. Szabolcs Kato (Reformed Church), Dr. Gerhild Rudolf (Society), Dr. Stefan Tobler (Ecumenism), Dr. Andras Bandi (Education), Mrs. Monika Brandsch (associate chairperson)
Our advisory council
Member of our advisory council are Right Rev. Reinhart Guib (Romania, co-chairman), Dr. Thomas-Andreas Põder (Estonia/CPCE, co-chairman), Rev. Birgit Hamrich (Hessen), Dr. Karl-Ludwig Ihmels (Saxonia), Rev. Steffen Tuschling (Berlin), Dr. Hans Jürgen Luibel (Bavaria), Rev. Klaus Rieth (Wuerttemberg) Dr. Anton Tikhomirow (St. Petersburg), Right Rev. Rolf Bareis (Tiflis), Dr. László Gonda (Debrecen), Dr. Martin Illert (Hannover), Prof. Dr. Robert Schelander (Vienna)
With the same target: SOMEF Vienna
The Faculties for Protestant Theology from Prague to Sibiu are connected through SOMEF - Südost- Mitteleuropäischer Fakultätentag